Project: OfficeConnect

OfficeConnect is a task management tool designed specifically for managerial role personnel at companies. The target users are managers who are responsible for assigning tasks and overseeing the workflow of a team.

OfficeConnect provides managers a convenient way to manage their subordinates as it gives managers an overview of their subordinates contacts and their teams as well as enable them to track tasks that the subordinates are responsible for completing.

Through OfficeConnect, managers can also plan deadlines and delegate tasks.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Assign task to person in OfficeConnect
    • What it does: With this new feature, users can assign a person to a task or a task to a person.
    • Justification: This feature is instrumental, as a part of managing a group of subordinates involves delegating tasks to their subordinates and being aware of the tasks that they are on track to complete.
    • Highlights: Users are able to assign a task to a person or vice versa by using their respective indices in the displayed lists. After assignment, the names of persons that are assigned to a specific task will be displayed under each task.
  • New Feature: Mark a task in OfficeConnect
    • What is does: With this new feature, users can mark a task as completed
    • Justification: This feature allows managers to keep track of the progresses of the tasks that are to be completed.
    • Highlights: User are able to mark a task using the index of the task displayed in the application. When a task is marked as completed, a green checkmark appears, indicating that the task has been completed. The progress indicator next to the persons assigned to this specific task will also be updated.
  • New Feature: Unmark a task in OfficeConnect
    • What is does: With this new feature, users can unmark a task as not completed yet.
    • Justification: This feature allows managers to keep track of the progresses of the tasks that are to be completed. It also allows managers to unmark a task if that they initially deemed as completed.
    • Highlights: User are able to unmark a task using the index of the task displayed in the application. When a task is unmarked as not completed, a red cross appears, indicating that the task has not been completed. The progress indicator next to the persons assigned to this specific task will also be updated.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link
  • Project management:
    • Documented project discussions in the collaborative document
    • Created GitHub organisation and repository, updated and maintained GitHub issues to ensure that the team is on track with their tasks
  • Enhancement to existing feature: Delete person and task from OfficeConnect
    • Changes made: Removing the stored assignments after a task or person is deleted.
    • Justification: Prior to this enhancement, the assignment of a person to a task would still exist even after the deletion of the person or task. This decreases the amount of necessary storage space required.
  • Documentation:
  • Developer Guide:
    • Authored sections in the DG related to the features I have implemented, namely assigning a task to a person, marking and unmarking tasks.
    • Updated user stories table to include user stories specific to OfficeConnect
    • Updated old and created new UML diagrams in the DG to fit the new OfficeConnect structure.
  • User Guide:
    • Authored sections in the UG related to the features I have implemented, namely assigning a task to a person, marking and unmarking tasks.
  • Community:
    • Reviewed PRs of peers, including: #66, #94, #111, #118, #123, #186, #248, #289
    • Contributed to discussion of certain aspects of the project through GitHub issues